David McRitchie has kindly e-mailed me direct to inform me that my query re.
Conditional Formatting had been received no less than 6 times!
Not only could I not see any replies, I could not see my original question
either. So I assumed (I know, never ASSUME, or you make an ASS out of U
and ME), the query was not reaching the newsgroup. I am still working with
my ISP, ukonline, to correct the problem.
Thanks to David I am now aware and won't send it again!
Sorry to everyone.
Dave Moore
Conditional Formatting had been received no less than 6 times!
Not only could I not see any replies, I could not see my original question
either. So I assumed (I know, never ASSUME, or you make an ASS out of U
and ME), the query was not reaching the newsgroup. I am still working with
my ISP, ukonline, to correct the problem.
Thanks to David I am now aware and won't send it again!
Sorry to everyone.
Dave Moore