apostrophe in record



I inherited a database and figured out that the following code will not work
if there is an apostrophe in the record. Any suggestions?

Private Sub Combo55_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_Combo55_AfterUpdate
Dim rs As Object

If IsNull(Combo55) = False Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
If Site = True Then Call AddContact
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If
Me.Combo55 = ""

Exit Sub

Me.Combo55 = ""
Resume Exit_Combo55_AfterUpdate

End Sub



What does it do if there is no apostrophe? What is AddContact? An error
because of an apostrophe in the record can be due to an apostrophe in a
name. I suspect AddContact has something like DLookup in a format something
DLookup("[LastName]","[SomeTable]","[LastName] = ' " & Me.[LastName] & " '

I have added spaces between the apostrophes and quotes for clarity. In the
code there would be no spaces. One solution is to replace the apostrophes
in the DLookup with a pair of quote marks:
DLookup("[LastName]","[SomeTable]","[LastName] = " " " & Me.[LastName] & " "
" ")

This will not work if there are quote marks in the field, but that is less
likely than apostrophes in a name field, which is my guess based on the
user-created sub or function named AddContact.

I'm just guessing with little to go on. It could be another function than
DLookup, or a SQL string, but I expect the problem is in AddContact.

Steve Schapel


I am not sure what won't work if there is an apostrophe. I can't see
anything in this code that relates to that.

I notice you have declared a Object named rs which is not actually used
in the code, so not sure what that is about.

And it is irregular to use Me.Combo55 = "". Are you sure you want it to
be a zero-length string ("")? Why? Normally we would expect to see:
Me.Combo55 = Null

Anyway, can you explain a bit more about what you are concerned about?
Or more details of what the code is actually trying to do?


Oops, I tried to simplify and I think I simplified the problem out of the
code. I think the problem is with AddCompany in the following code:

Private Sub Combo55_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_Combo55_AfterUpdate
Dim rs As Object

If IsNull(Combo55) = False Then
If Combo55 <> "Town Committee" Then
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[Company Sort] = '" & Me![Combo55] & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
Call AddCompany
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
If Site = True Then Call AddContact
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If
End If
Me.Combo55 = ""

Exit Sub

Me.Combo55 = ""
Resume Exit_Combo55_AfterUpdate

End Sub

Here's the AddCompany code:

Private Sub AddCompany()
On Error GoTo Err_AddCompany

Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "rptGLResultTable"

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Integer

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblAddressMatch", dbOpenDynaset)

For i = 1 To Me!NumOfLabels
rs!MatchComID = Me![MatchComID]
rs![COMPANIES TABLE_Company Name] = Me![COMPANIES TABLE_Company Name]
rs![Company Sort] = Me![Company Sort]
rs!Address1 = Me!Address1
rs!Address2 = Me!Address2
rs!City = Me!City
rs!State = Me!State
rs!Zip = Me!Zip
Next i

Me!NumOfLabels = 1

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_AddCompany

End Sub

Combo55 is on a form that merges with Word to create mailing labels. A
company name is selected in Combo55 and the contact info is added to a
subform. Mailing labels are created for the companies listed in the subform
using the OnClick procedure of a command button. If Town Committee is
selected, all town members are listed with their contact info and a label is
made for each member. This is the only selection when multiple contacts are
listed with one selection on Combo55 (that is why it has special code).
Otherwise, the company that is selected in Combo55 will be listed in a
subform and a mailing label will be created (after clicking the command
button). The problem is, when there is an apostrophe in the company's name
that is selected in Combo55, the subform does not populate with that company.
If there is no apostrophe in Combo55, everything works fine. But, I'm new
to Access and have inherited this database, so any help is appreciated.



There's no DLookup, but there is a Where condition that could be causing
problems along the lines I suggested. Try:
rs.FindFirst "[Company Sort] = " " " & Me![Combo55] & " " " "
The spaces between the quotes are for clarity.

To test code you can add a breakpoint. To do that, open the VBA editor and
click just to the left of the code window, in the vertical bar, next to the
line If IsNull(Combo55) = False Then. This will add a red dot on the bar,
and highlight the line of code. Go back to the form and try to update
Combo55. The code will break (stop) at that line. Press F8 to move to the
next line of code. Repeat until the problem line of code causes an error.
When you no longer need the breakpoint you can clear it by clicking the red

Note that Null and an empty string are not the same thing. You are checking
to see if Combo55 is null (BTW, that can be expressed as If Not
IsNull(Combo55) Then), but in some cases it may be empty but not null. Be
clear on what you are checking. For more information see:
Be sure also to check the Common Errors With Null link at the bottom of the
web page.

KAW said:
Oops, I tried to simplify and I think I simplified the problem out of the
code. I think the problem is with AddCompany in the following code:

Private Sub Combo55_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_Combo55_AfterUpdate
Dim rs As Object

If IsNull(Combo55) = False Then
If Combo55 <> "Town Committee" Then
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[Company Sort] = '" & Me![Combo55] & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
Call AddCompany
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
If Site = True Then Call AddContact
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If
End If
Me.Combo55 = ""

Exit Sub

Me.Combo55 = ""
Resume Exit_Combo55_AfterUpdate

End Sub

Here's the AddCompany code:

Private Sub AddCompany()
On Error GoTo Err_AddCompany

Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "rptGLResultTable"

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Integer

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblAddressMatch", dbOpenDynaset)

For i = 1 To Me!NumOfLabels
rs!MatchComID = Me![MatchComID]
rs![Company Sort] = Me![Company Sort]
rs!Address1 = Me!Address1
rs!Address2 = Me!Address2
rs!City = Me!City
rs!State = Me!State
rs!Zip = Me!Zip
Next i

Me!NumOfLabels = 1

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_AddCompany

End Sub

Combo55 is on a form that merges with Word to create mailing labels. A
company name is selected in Combo55 and the contact info is added to a
subform. Mailing labels are created for the companies listed in the
using the OnClick procedure of a command button. If Town Committee is
selected, all town members are listed with their contact info and a label
made for each member. This is the only selection when multiple contacts
listed with one selection on Combo55 (that is why it has special code).
Otherwise, the company that is selected in Combo55 will be listed in a
subform and a mailing label will be created (after clicking the command
button). The problem is, when there is an apostrophe in the company's
that is selected in Combo55, the subform does not populate with that
If there is no apostrophe in Combo55, everything works fine. But, I'm new
to Access and have inherited this database, so any help is appreciated.


KAW said:
I inherited a database and figured out that the following code will not
if there is an apostrophe in the record. Any suggestions?

Private Sub Combo55_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_Combo55_AfterUpdate
Dim rs As Object

If IsNull(Combo55) = False Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
If Site = True Then Call AddContact
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If
Me.Combo55 = ""

Exit Sub

Me.Combo55 = ""
Resume Exit_Combo55_AfterUpdate

End Sub



Thank you! It worked. I'm not sure why, but I'm still learning. Thanks

BruceM said:
There's no DLookup, but there is a Where condition that could be causing
problems along the lines I suggested. Try:
rs.FindFirst "[Company Sort] = " " " & Me![Combo55] & " " " "
The spaces between the quotes are for clarity.

To test code you can add a breakpoint. To do that, open the VBA editor and
click just to the left of the code window, in the vertical bar, next to the
line If IsNull(Combo55) = False Then. This will add a red dot on the bar,
and highlight the line of code. Go back to the form and try to update
Combo55. The code will break (stop) at that line. Press F8 to move to the
next line of code. Repeat until the problem line of code causes an error.
When you no longer need the breakpoint you can clear it by clicking the red

Note that Null and an empty string are not the same thing. You are checking
to see if Combo55 is null (BTW, that can be expressed as If Not
IsNull(Combo55) Then), but in some cases it may be empty but not null. Be
clear on what you are checking. For more information see:
Be sure also to check the Common Errors With Null link at the bottom of the
web page.

KAW said:
Oops, I tried to simplify and I think I simplified the problem out of the
code. I think the problem is with AddCompany in the following code:

Private Sub Combo55_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_Combo55_AfterUpdate
Dim rs As Object

If IsNull(Combo55) = False Then
If Combo55 <> "Town Committee" Then
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[Company Sort] = '" & Me![Combo55] & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
Call AddCompany
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
If Site = True Then Call AddContact
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If
End If
Me.Combo55 = ""

Exit Sub

Me.Combo55 = ""
Resume Exit_Combo55_AfterUpdate

End Sub

Here's the AddCompany code:

Private Sub AddCompany()
On Error GoTo Err_AddCompany

Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "rptGLResultTable"

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Integer

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblAddressMatch", dbOpenDynaset)

For i = 1 To Me!NumOfLabels
rs!MatchComID = Me![MatchComID]
rs![Company Sort] = Me![Company Sort]
rs!Address1 = Me!Address1
rs!Address2 = Me!Address2
rs!City = Me!City
rs!State = Me!State
rs!Zip = Me!Zip
Next i

Me!NumOfLabels = 1

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_AddCompany

End Sub

Combo55 is on a form that merges with Word to create mailing labels. A
company name is selected in Combo55 and the contact info is added to a
subform. Mailing labels are created for the companies listed in the
using the OnClick procedure of a command button. If Town Committee is
selected, all town members are listed with their contact info and a label
made for each member. This is the only selection when multiple contacts
listed with one selection on Combo55 (that is why it has special code).
Otherwise, the company that is selected in Combo55 will be listed in a
subform and a mailing label will be created (after clicking the command
button). The problem is, when there is an apostrophe in the company's
that is selected in Combo55, the subform does not populate with that
If there is no apostrophe in Combo55, everything works fine. But, I'm new
to Access and have inherited this database, so any help is appreciated.


KAW said:
I inherited a database and figured out that the following code will not
if there is an apostrophe in the record. Any suggestions?

Private Sub Combo55_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_Combo55_AfterUpdate
Dim rs As Object

If IsNull(Combo55) = False Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
If Site = True Then Call AddContact
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If
Me.Combo55 = ""

Exit Sub

Me.Combo55 = ""
Resume Exit_Combo55_AfterUpdate

End Sub



Add two lines of code:
Debug.Print "[Company Sort] = " " " & Me![Combo55] & " " " "
Debug.Print "[Company Sort] = ' " & Me![Combo55] & " ' "

After running the code (by updating Combo55) open the immediate window by
pressing Ctrl + G. Debug.Print will cause the result of the rest of the
line of code to be written to the immediate window. You should see it
displayed there. Note the difference. If the company is Bob's Pizza, in
the first instance you will see something like:
CompanySort = "Bob's Pizza"
In the second you will see:
CompanySort = 'Bob's Pizza'

In the both instances the quote before [Company Sort] starts the string. In
order for a literal quote to appear in the string, a quote mark needs to be
surrounded by quote marks. That results in the quote after the = sign in
the first instance. The first three quotes of the four at the end in the
first instance do the same thing as the three quotes after the = sign: they
produce a quote mark in the text string. The last quote mark in both
instances closes the text string. Without trying to get into a lot of
details about the apostrophe system, just think of the apostrophe as
replacing two quote marks.

Access can work with either way of handling quotes as long as the field
contains neither quotes nor apostrophes. However, if you use the apostrophe
system and there is an apostrophe, Access will see:
CompanySort = 'Bob'
As far as Access knows, the apostrophe in Bob's is the end of the string, so
the rest of the line makes no sense and either you get an error or Access
ignores the rest of the string. Unless there is a company named Bob,
FindFirst will not come up with a match.
If there is a quote mark in the field's value you will run into a similar
problem. There are ways around the problem when working with a text field,
but another approach is to use a number (autonumber, for instance) as the
primary key for the company, and as the bound (but invisible) column in
Combo55. Then you would have something like:
"CompanyID = " & Me.CompanyID
which would produce something like:
CompanyID = 123
The use of a numeric primary key has other advantages such as accomodating a
company's name change without your having to update a lot of records. I
realize the current database is an inherited project, but it's something to
think about when you do your own projects.

KAW said:
Thank you! It worked. I'm not sure why, but I'm still learning. Thanks

BruceM said:
There's no DLookup, but there is a Where condition that could be causing
problems along the lines I suggested. Try:
rs.FindFirst "[Company Sort] = " " " & Me![Combo55] & " " " "
The spaces between the quotes are for clarity.

To test code you can add a breakpoint. To do that, open the VBA editor
click just to the left of the code window, in the vertical bar, next to
line If IsNull(Combo55) = False Then. This will add a red dot on the
and highlight the line of code. Go back to the form and try to update
Combo55. The code will break (stop) at that line. Press F8 to move to
next line of code. Repeat until the problem line of code causes an
When you no longer need the breakpoint you can clear it by clicking the

Note that Null and an empty string are not the same thing. You are
to see if Combo55 is null (BTW, that can be expressed as If Not
IsNull(Combo55) Then), but in some cases it may be empty but not null.
clear on what you are checking. For more information see:
Be sure also to check the Common Errors With Null link at the bottom of
web page.

KAW said:
Oops, I tried to simplify and I think I simplified the problem out of
code. I think the problem is with AddCompany in the following code:

Private Sub Combo55_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_Combo55_AfterUpdate
Dim rs As Object

If IsNull(Combo55) = False Then
If Combo55 <> "Town Committee" Then
Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[Company Sort] = '" & Me![Combo55] & "'"
Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
Call AddCompany
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
If Site = True Then Call AddContact
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If
End If
Me.Combo55 = ""

Exit Sub

Me.Combo55 = ""
Resume Exit_Combo55_AfterUpdate

End Sub

Here's the AddCompany code:

Private Sub AddCompany()
On Error GoTo Err_AddCompany

Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "rptGLResultTable"

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim i As Integer

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblAddressMatch", dbOpenDynaset)

For i = 1 To Me!NumOfLabels
rs!MatchComID = Me![MatchComID]
rs![Company Sort] = Me![Company Sort]
rs!Address1 = Me!Address1
rs!Address2 = Me!Address2
rs!City = Me!City
rs!State = Me!State
rs!Zip = Me!Zip
Next i

Me!NumOfLabels = 1

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_AddCompany

End Sub

Combo55 is on a form that merges with Word to create mailing labels. A
company name is selected in Combo55 and the contact info is added to a
subform. Mailing labels are created for the companies listed in the
using the OnClick procedure of a command button. If Town Committee is
selected, all town members are listed with their contact info and a
made for each member. This is the only selection when multiple
listed with one selection on Combo55 (that is why it has special code).
Otherwise, the company that is selected in Combo55 will be listed in a
subform and a mailing label will be created (after clicking the command
button). The problem is, when there is an apostrophe in the company's
that is selected in Combo55, the subform does not populate with that
If there is no apostrophe in Combo55, everything works fine. But, I'm
to Access and have inherited this database, so any help is appreciated.



I inherited a database and figured out that the following code will
if there is an apostrophe in the record. Any suggestions?

Private Sub Combo55_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_Combo55_AfterUpdate
Dim rs As Object

If IsNull(Combo55) = False Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acFirst
If Site = True Then Call AddContact
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If
Me.Combo55 = ""

Exit Sub

Me.Combo55 = ""
Resume Exit_Combo55_AfterUpdate

End Sub


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