Apostrophes and spaces turn into ? marks



When I publish my web file via ftp to the web, all of the extra spaces in my text turn into question marks (?) and all of the apostrophes turn into question marks as well

What can I do to fix this problem?


I'm using arial on all text. funny thing is when I preview my site on my computer everything looks fine, then I upload, and then use explorer to look it up and thats where all the problems appear



I removed the apostrophes and spaces from the format, but if I try to add them back in, we still get the question marks. The current web site doesn't have any because I took them out
your help is appreciate


Billy, I looked at your site and it looks fine, and it is kind of hard to
help you with a problem with your site if you already 'fixed' it. I imagine
David Bartosik or someone else would be happy to help you out, but we need
to see the problem...that's why David asked you to post your site. Perhaps
republish your site, or one page, with the problems you are having, and then
repost here so we can see it.


Billy said:

I removed the apostrophes and spaces from the format, but if I try to add
them back in, we still get the question marks. The current web site doesn't
have any because I took them out.

David Bartosik - MS MVP

Glad you provided the requested answers but not being able to view the issue
kinda makes it unhelpful.
My suggestion, send me your pub file. I'll review and test it.

David Bartosik - MS MVP
for Publisher help:
enter to win Pub 2003:

Billy said:

I removed the apostrophes and spaces from the format, but if I try to add
them back in, we still get the question marks. The current web site doesn't
have any because I took them out.


I am having the same problem. There isn't anything wrong with the html, there isn't anything wrong with the font. But when I view most webpages the quotation marks become question marks. This has only happened since I went to Windows XP Home Edition. I write my own html and when I view it outside the internet with Internet Explorer it is just fine, when I am connected to the internet all I get are question marks. It happens on most websites and forums I visit. I have changed fonts within Internet Explorer and tried to adjust my settings but I still get the question marks.


I found this further down - Thanks PA Bear

IE View>Encoding>Windows (European or ISO) (check, instead of Unicode

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