AppActivate is not acting consistently in Access 2003 as had in 97



I uses AppActivate and Sendkeys in Access to control older legacy systems. In
some cases I activate a windows application and send keystrokes that cut data
to the clicpboard and the use AppActivate to come back to the Access 2003
form and paste thd data.

AppActivate is not bringing the focus back to the origninal form and
sometimes the execution of the macro is halted.

The specific instance I'm talking about I copy a telnet screen, open a Form,
paste all the records. Then I analize each line for the data and post it into
my database.

When using the paste technique I must have the focus return to the Form and
have the paste append command work.

This in in Windows XP Office 2003 these macros have been working in Windows
98 and Office 97.

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