


Over the years, I've found AppActivate to be very flaky. Sometimes it works
as described. Other times it doesn't.

Currently, I'm running Word 2003.

I have a Microsoft Office Document Imaging instance open. The document's
name is "DIV 1 xxxx.TIFF" (I plan to OCR and save the result).

My code:

AppActivate "DIV"

I get an "invalid procedure" message.

I tried appactivating "Microsoft Office Document Imaging" -- or various
permutations -- and it still doesn't work.

What am I doing wrong?

Karl E. Peterson

JohnTheTemp said:
Over the years, I've found AppActivate to be very flaky. Sometimes it works
as described. Other times it doesn't.

Currently, I'm running Word 2003.

I have a Microsoft Office Document Imaging instance open. The document's
name is "DIV 1 xxxx.TIFF" (I plan to OCR and save the result).

My code:

AppActivate "DIV"

I get an "invalid procedure" message.

My experience with AppActivate, admittedly in VB proper not VBA, was that it
required a complete window title to work and would return that error if it was only
given a partial window title.

You can work around that limitation in a number of ways. One of which, I've code up

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