can somebody explain me how I can append a certain file on a e-mail via
This is my current hyperlink:
With Worksheets(1)
..Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Range("q42"), _
Address:="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Info", _
ScreenTip:="Write us today", _
TextToDisplay:="mailto: (e-mail address removed)"
End With
This is how I wan’t to make it:
1) I want to start the hyperlink with a command buttun
With Worksheets(1)
..Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Range("q42"), _
Address:="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Info", _
ScreenTip:="Write us today", _
TextToDisplay:="mailto: (e-mail address removed)"
And here the Filepath…..
End With
can somebody explain me how I can append a certain file on a e-mail via
This is my current hyperlink:
With Worksheets(1)
..Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Range("q42"), _
Address:="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Info", _
ScreenTip:="Write us today", _
TextToDisplay:="mailto: (e-mail address removed)"
End With
This is how I wan’t to make it:
1) I want to start the hyperlink with a command buttun
With Worksheets(1)
..Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=.Range("q42"), _
Address:="mailto:[email protected]?subject=Info", _
ScreenTip:="Write us today", _
TextToDisplay:="mailto: (e-mail address removed)"
And here the Filepath…..
End With