Append List Box values selected




I have two list boxes. List1 contains all possible values a user can
select. List 2, is contains a list of all values the user has selected and
added to this box via a button.

How can I append the values in List2 to the customerID in focus?

End Result:
What i would like to have happen is the user being able to add or remove
selected values for the customer in focus.

Can you help me?


this maybe?

Private Sub Command4_Click()
Dim varItem As Variant
For Each varItem In Me.lbx1.ItemsSelected
MsgBox Me.lbx1.ItemData(varItem)
Me.lbx2.AddItem (Me.lbx1.ItemData(varItem))
Next varItem

End Sub

the form has two listboxes, lbx1 and lbx2

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