append query from form only appends first record



posted similiar message in forms design last night but no response maybe
someone here can help.
I have users entering a bunch of data for each contact. I've created a
select query to divide each contract into a bunch of services each with a fee
that's a percent of the total cost of the contract. To do this I created a
select query that asks for the contract number it then uses calculated fields
to divide the data up (one contract may have 5 records and another 10). I
then based a form on this select query which is what the user actually opens.
I then created an append query that has the form field names in each of the
"field" values. the problem is it only appends the first record from the
select query/form. How do I make it append the remainder? Here is the sql
statement from the append query

INSERT INTO Services ( ContractID, ClientID, ProdName, ProdFee )
SELECT DISTINCTROW forms.frm_hb_loadservices.ContractID AS Expr1,
forms.frm_hb_loadservices.ClientID AS Expr2,
forms.frm_hb_loadservices.ProdName AS Expr3, forms.frm_hb_loadservices.fee AS
FROM (Contracts INNER JOIN LU_ContractTypes ON Contracts.Contract =
LU_ContractTypes.ContractType) INNER JOIN Qry_ActiveProducts ON
LU_ContractTypes.ProgramType = Qry_ActiveProducts.ProgramType
GROUP BY forms.frm_hb_loadservices.ContractID,
forms.frm_hb_loadservices.ClientID, forms.frm_hb_loadservices.ProdName,

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