Append Query gives errors



Access 2007 service pack 2

I have three tables (clientsw, eligibility and eligibilitynotes) that have
matching number fields (casenum). I joined these three tables together and
said give me all the records in this table (clientsW) and this table
(eligibility) where the joined fields (casenum) from both tables are equal.
I joined another table (eligibilitynotes) to the (eligibility) table by
field named (casenum) and said give me all the records from table
(eligibility) and only the records from (eligibilitynotes) where the joined
fields (casenum) are equal.

When I run this as a select query, I get three records (testing, yes there
are only 3 records) as expected, but there are two rows that have nothing in
the field "notes" found in the (eligibilitynotes) table.

When I run this as an append query (appends to a different table linked in
this database), I get the message "Error 3167, Record Deleted". Nothing is
deleted, everything is still there. I have run a compact and repair on the
databases. Nothing seems corrupt, all data is readable.

If I physically put something in the "notes" field of the (eligibilitynotes)
table, the append query goes off without the error.

This query run without a hitch about 2 weeks ago, before I updated to Access
2007 Service Pack 2, after the update, I get the error. I have a work
around for now, but I want to know why this won't work now. Are you not
supposed to be able to append records where there isn't a matching record in
the joined field of the other table?



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