Append Query Help



I using an append query to copy the data from one table to
another. It works but it only copies the first time I
enter the data into the form. If I change the data in the
form it only changes in the underlying table but not the
table it appends to. I am running the query as a macro
from the forms Afterupdate. I also tried afterinsert and
all the other choices. What else could it be ?
Thanks - George

Steve Schapel


Do you have a primary key field or some other field with a unique
index in the table you are appending to? If so, you won't be able to
append another record with a duplicate value in such a field. In thsi
case, maybe an Update Query would be more applicable.

Reading between the lines, do I take your meaning correctly that the
same data is being entered in to two different places within your
tables? If so, it might be worth reviewing this design.

- Steve Schapel, Microsoft Access MVP


Yes - I am using one table as a backup to the primary
table. When the data is deleted from the form the data is
only deleted from the underlying table. But when I make
changes to the data in the form it only changes the data
in the primary table not the backup which the append query
is linked to.

Thanks - George


Using an update query wipes out the existing records and
replaces with the current records. I want to keep adding
for historicial purposes.

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