Append Query Invalid Argument Error


Emma Aumack

I have a database that I have split into an FE and BE. Running various
DoCmd.OpenQuery in code in the FE I have imported an tbl_Account_Master_temp
table because there are records that need to be deleted before the data goes
to the backend table, tbl_Account_Master, which is done with a Delete Records
query. I also delete the records from the BE, tble_Account_Master,with a
delete records query and then append the updated records from the FE
tbl_Account_Master_temp table to the BE tbl_Account_Master table. When I try
to run the append query or even import the FE table to the BE I get an
invalid Agrument error. I have tried this both manually, and through my
code. No matter what I try, to either append the records or import the
table, I get this error. I have checked for duplicate entries; there are
none, and I have no primary keys in either table. I have kicked everyone out
of the Database and still get this error.

Both Tables fields are as follows:

Account_No: Number Long Integer
Account_Name: Text
Dist: Number Long Integer
Terr: Number Long Integer
Address_1: Text
City: Text
Address_2: Text
State: Text
Zip: Number Long Integer
Zip+4: Number Long Integer
Bill_To: Number Long Integer

I realize long Integer is probably not the way to go in some cases however,
I am just keeping it this way in both tables till I figure this mess out. I
am so frutstrated, Please help.


I am so frustrated. Please help....

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