As I suspected you have no join between the AllProps Table and the Sep/Nov Sales
table. So you are getting a cross product of the tables. That is if there are
10 records in AllProps and 20 records in Sep/Nov Sales you are goint to get 200
(10*20) records returned.
I think that all you really need to do is remove the AllProps Table from the
Select statement since you are not really using it to identify any records.
INSERT INTO [ALLPROPS Table] ( [Site Address], [Owner Names1], [MStr
Address1], MCity, MZip, [Sq Ft], [Room Count], [# Bedrooms], [# Bathrooms],
[# Units], [Sale Price], [Full/Partial], [Sale Date], [Document #],
[Mult/Port], [Assed Value], [Lot Size], [APN #], [Year Built], [Use Code],
MState )
SELECT [Sep/Nov Sales].[Site Full Street Name],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Primary Owner Full Name],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Mailing Full Street Address],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Mailing City],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Mailing Full Zip Code],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Square Footage],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Total Number of Rooms],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Number of Bedrooms],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Number of Bathrooms],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Number of Units],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Sale Amount],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Full or Partial],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Sale Date],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Sale Document Number],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Multiple/Portion],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Assessed Value],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Lot Size (SqFt)],
[Sep/Nov Sales].APN,
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Year Built],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Use Code],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Mailing State]
FROM [Sep/Nov Sales]
WHERE [Sep/Nov Sales].APN=8624008013
Andy said:
Hi John:
Here's the SQL:
INSERT INTO [ALLPROPS Table] ( [Site Address], [Owner Names1], [MStr
Address1], MCity, MZip, [Sq Ft], [Room Count], [# Bedrooms], [# Bathrooms],
[# Units], [Sale Price], [Full/Partial], [Sale Date], [Document #],
[Mult/Port], [Assed Value], [Lot Size], [APN #], [Year Built], [Use Code],
MState )
SELECT [Sep/Nov Sales].[Site Full Street Name], [Sep/Nov Sales].[Primary
Owner Full Name], [Sep/Nov Sales].[Mailing Full Street Address], [Sep/Nov
Sales].[Mailing City], [Sep/Nov Sales].[Mailing Full Zip Code], [Sep/Nov
Sales].[Square Footage], [Sep/Nov Sales].[Total Number of Rooms], [Sep/Nov
Sales].[Number of Bedrooms], [Sep/Nov Sales].[Number of Bathrooms], [Sep/Nov
Sales].[Number of Units], [Sep/Nov Sales].[Sale Amount], [Sep/Nov
Sales].[Full or Partial], [Sep/Nov Sales].[Sale Date], [Sep/Nov Sales].[Sale
Document Number], [Sep/Nov Sales].[Multiple/Portion], [Sep/Nov
Sales].[Assessed Value], [Sep/Nov Sales].[Lot Size (SqFt)], [Sep/Nov
Sales].APN, [Sep/Nov Sales].[Year Built], [Sep/Nov Sales].[Use Code],
[Sep/Nov Sales].[Mailing State]
FROM [ALLPROPS Table], [Sep/Nov Sales]
WHERE ((([Sep/Nov Sales].APN)=8624008013));
Please copy and post the SQL of your query.
(Possibly unneeded instructions follow)
Open the query
Select View:Sql from the Menu
Select all the text
Copy it
Paste it into the message
It sounds as if you have missed a join in your query.
I'm trying to append a table of 157 records to a much larger table in the
same D/B. In design view I matched the fields and set up as an append
When I run the query it duplicates each record 9271 times........... I've
tried designating a primary key, linking similar fields between the
no change. I'm a new user so I'm not sure what is going on here.
Thanks for any help,
Andy C