append query


Sue at WaMu

append query contains expressions, designed & tested - works! now I have to
import next day's file & append - is there some macro or quick fix other that
changing the append from table name in each column of the query and in the

Douglas J. Steele

Are you saying that you have a different table for each day? That doesn't
sound like a particularly good design. Add a Date column to your table, and
use that to determine which day each record is for.


If I understand your question, you import a table on a daily bases to append
to a table in your database. The name of the table changes on a daily bases.
Assuming I understand the problem, here is a way to do it, I think.

First, you will have to have a way to select the table to import. I assume
you have that under control. For example purposes, I will call it

Set qdf = dbs.QueryDefs(strQryName) 'This would be your append query
strQry = qdf.SQL
strQry = Replace(strQry, strYesterdaysTable, strTodaysTable)
qdf.SQL = strQry

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