This is my best guess on how to do this:
Dim testvalue, testarray()
For testvalue = 50 To 100 Step 5
ReDim Preserve testarray(UBound(testarray) + 1)
testarray(UBound(testarray)) = testvalue
Next testvalue
So the goal is to start with an array of unknown size and simply add values
until complete.
I am sure this is very flawed. Would appreciate any help.
Dim testvalue, testarray()
For testvalue = 50 To 100 Step 5
ReDim Preserve testarray(UBound(testarray) + 1)
testarray(UBound(testarray)) = testvalue
Next testvalue
So the goal is to start with an array of unknown size and simply add values
until complete.
I am sure this is very flawed. Would appreciate any help.