hi all
I am using this query in VBA to append records from tblImport into
STR="INSERT INTO tblResults ( ResultRemarks, LabsampleNO, SampleID,
ResultDate, Comparator, ResultValue, ParameterID )
SELECT tblImport.[BATCH NO], tblImport.[LAB SAMPLE NO], tblImport.[REF
NO], tblImport.[RECEIVE DATE], tblImport.QUALIFIER, tblImport.RESULT,
FROM tblImport INNER JOIN tblParameter ON tblImport.[PA NAME]
=tblParameter. ParameterName WHERE (((tblImport.[REF NO]) Is Not Null))
ORDER BY tblParameter.ParameterID;"
In this ResultID is generated when I append the records.It means that
labSampleNo, SampleID, ResultDate and parameterID can be
multiple.Therefore I want that before appending records it should check
that no duplicates records are added for combination of all the above
parameters i.e like
if not exists((tblimport.[LAb Sample NO] = tblResults.LabSampleNo) and
tblimport.[REF NO] = tblResults.SampleID) and (tblimport.[Recievedate]
= tblResults.ResultDate) and (tblimport.[PA NAME] =
tblResults.parameterID) then
Docmd.run STR
msgbox"Records already exists"
end if
I have tried using above but did not work,can some one please help me
on that or refer me to same problem
I am using this query in VBA to append records from tblImport into
STR="INSERT INTO tblResults ( ResultRemarks, LabsampleNO, SampleID,
ResultDate, Comparator, ResultValue, ParameterID )
SELECT tblImport.[BATCH NO], tblImport.[LAB SAMPLE NO], tblImport.[REF
NO], tblImport.[RECEIVE DATE], tblImport.QUALIFIER, tblImport.RESULT,
FROM tblImport INNER JOIN tblParameter ON tblImport.[PA NAME]
=tblParameter. ParameterName WHERE (((tblImport.[REF NO]) Is Not Null))
ORDER BY tblParameter.ParameterID;"
In this ResultID is generated when I append the records.It means that
labSampleNo, SampleID, ResultDate and parameterID can be
multiple.Therefore I want that before appending records it should check
that no duplicates records are added for combination of all the above
parameters i.e like
if not exists((tblimport.[LAb Sample NO] = tblResults.LabSampleNo) and
tblimport.[REF NO] = tblResults.SampleID) and (tblimport.[Recievedate]
= tblResults.ResultDate) and (tblimport.[PA NAME] =
tblResults.parameterID) then
Docmd.run STR
msgbox"Records already exists"
end if
I have tried using above but did not work,can some one please help me
on that or refer me to same problem