Appending files using VBA

  • Thread starter blanic via
  • Start date

blanic via

Ok so im trying to append a file to an existing file using VBA, im stuck at
the array I Believe, any help please?

Dim RetVal
Dim mFile As String, mPath As String
Dim Check As String
Dim MySize
Dim mFile2 As String
Dim nFilenum As Integer
Dim nFilenum2 As Integer
Dim B() As Byte

mPath = "E:\CGinst\Rpts\"
mFile = Dir(mPath & "2105.9")
mFile2 = Dir(mPath & "PostCard.9")

If mFile <> "" Then 'If file
nFilenum2 = FreeFile
Open mFile For Binary Access Read As #1
B() = InputB(LOF(nFilenum2), nFilenum2)
Close #1

nFilenum = FreeFile
Open mFile2 For Append As #1
Write #1, B() 'Here is the problem, trying to get it to write from the
byte array to the file.

MsgBox "No 2105 Files to Print", , "Done"
Check = False
End If

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