appending records and primary key issues


Kamal Hood

I'd like to append records from a secondary table to my main table
periodically. I'd like the appended records to automatically recieve new
primary key values (numbers) consecutively. I don't care about or want to
save the values of the key field in the secondary table into my main table
when appending the records. I'd just like to copy over all the other fields
that match except for the key field and then have these items given a new
primary key number in the main table starting with 1 larger than the largest
key in the main table.

i.e. if my main table has these records in it:
KeyID Name
1 Aaaa
2 Bbbb
3 Cccc

and my second table has these fields in it:
KeyID Name
342 Dddd
5123 Eeeee

Then after appending i'd like the main table to look like this:
KeyID Name
1 Aaaa
2 Bbbb
3 Cccc
4 Dddd
5 Eeeee

I've read stuff about stored procedures being able to do this but I'm not
using sql server nor an access project; just a regular .mdb file.

can anybody help?


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