Appending Rows to a Worksheet from a Template



I use MS Excel 2003.

I've created Purchase Order templates for each of my vendors. I also have
Order History worksheets for each of my vendors. Each row in these
worksheets will have the data for each of the items ordered.

I would like to append these Order History worksheets each time I use the
corresponding Purchase Order template for that vendor. Is there any way I
can do this?
Perhaps I can create a control button on each template that "POSTS" to the
corresponding vendor's worksheet. If this is correct, please provide me with
some details. Thanks

Otto Moehrbach

The details have to come from you. For instance, when you click on this
button, you say you want certain/all data copied from this template and
pasted into the History sheet for that vendor. How can the code tell that
data from this Template goes into that History worksheet?
Another bit of detail that would be needed is what cell gets pasted into
what column of the History sheet?
This detail could be in the form of a 2 column table listing the source cell
addresses and the destination column numbers.
What version of Excel are you using. HTH Otto

Gord Dibben

Otto and OP

PMFJI.........maybe what OP needs is the Template Wizard With Data Tracking
which updates a separate DB.xls with a new record each time the Template is

See this google search for details and potential download problems with the
Template Wizard setup file.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


Hi Otto:

Thanks for your reply.

I am currently using Excel 97 but have just ordered Excel 2003.

I have created a Purchase Order Template for each of my suppliers. Each POT
displays rows for the Items that I usually purchase from this supplier. Each
row is divided by the following columns:

Quantity Ordered, Supplier Item#, Item Description, Unit of Purchase,
Price, Extended Price.

Each row is pre-filled except for the Quantity Ordered column for an item.
Each row is for a different item that the supplier provides. So if I order
23 item from the suppliers catalogue of 250 items, I will have 23 rows.

When I create an order all I need do is enter a quantity in the Quantity
Ordered column for the row or rows of items I wish to order now. When I'm
finished I have a control button called: Show Only Items Ordered, that runs a
macro that show only those rows that have a quantity greater than zero in the
Quantity Ordered column and hides the zero or blank Quantity Ordered rows. I
then print out this order for my supplier.

I would like to have another control button called: Post Items, that will
append this vendor's worksheet with only the items from this condensed
Purchase Order. This worksheet will be called: "vendorname: Items Ordered
History. Each vendor will have its own Item Ordered History worksheet.

The columns in the worksheets will be exactly the same as in the templates.

I hope I've made myself clearer this time.


Hi Gord:

Thanks for your reply!

Please read my latest reply post to Otto.

Will Excel 2003 have this Template Wizard built-in?
If so, will the wizard accomplish what I want as described in my reply to

Also, what does OP mean?

Gord Dibben

Hi Gord:

Thanks for your reply!

Please read my latest reply post to Otto.

I have and my recommendation is..............

Ron de Bruin has code that will copy filtered results to another worksheet ot

See "Copy/paste/merge examples" for code.
Will Excel 2003 have this Template Wizard built-in?

Wizard Template is not built-in for Excel 2003.
If so, will the wizard accomplish what I want as described in my reply to

The Wizard is not the tool for your situation.
Also, what does OP mean?

Original Poster


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