Appending Un matched Data in Tables



Can you help ?

I have the following four tables in my database;

Table 1
Student Number
Course Number
Actual Exam %

Table 2
Student Number
Student Name

Table 3
Course Number
Course Name

Table 4
Expected Exam %

I have relationships between identical field names in each table

I find that I have some Student Numbes who do not have Expected Exa
Results and as such when I run a query using Table 1 and Table 4 the
are ommitted.

I know that if I run an unmatched query and then use the appen
function to append the unmatched names from Table 1 : Student Number t
Table 4 : Expected Exam % this problem will be solved.

My question is ............. Is there another method other than appen
method above that I could use ?

Thanks for your help

Michel Walsh


You transform the SELECT query (finding unmatched records) for a append
query (from the appropriate button on the toolbar, as example) and you just
"run" that query.

Hoping it may help,
Vanderghast, Access MVP

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