My styles can do the following:
Chapter #
#.1 Hello
Where # is a chapter number (1, 2, 3 etc)
I want to add to this
Appendix X
X.1 Hello
Where X is the appendix letter (A, B, C etc)
And have captions pick up on this (So Figure A.1:2 etc) - Which is the
difficult part - I've kinda hacked around to get it to sort of work,
but it isn't very good. Would appreciate some guruness here
How do I set up a doc style to do the following
Chapter #
#.1 Hello
Where # is a chapter number (1, 2, 3 etc)
I want to add to this
Appendix X
X.1 Hello
Where X is the appendix letter (A, B, C etc)
And have captions pick up on this (So Figure A.1:2 etc) - Which is the
difficult part - I've kinda hacked around to get it to sort of work,
but it isn't very good. Would appreciate some guruness here
How do I set up a doc style to do the following