mark r

My boss has an APPLE.
He wants at the very least emailed reports from my ACCESS tables.
I could generate SNAPSHOT views but that only works on IBMs.

How do I email him reports he can download?

He would also like a working copy of the table.
How do I send him a runtime version of the table he can scroll through

PieterLinden via

mark said:
My boss has an APPLE.
He wants at the very least emailed reports from my ACCESS tables.
I could generate SNAPSHOT views but that only works on IBMs.

How do I email him reports he can download?

He would also like a working copy of the table.
How do I send him a runtime version of the table he can scroll through

Probably your best bet is to output the reports to PDF. If you don't have
2007, which I think can do this natively, Stephen Lebans has code to do it on
his site.

Or you could crank it to RTF, which will open into Word...
Sub ExportReportToRTF(strReportName As String, ByVal strOutputFileName As
On Error GoTo ExportToRTF_Err

DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, strReportName, "RichTextFormat(*.rtf)",
strOutputFileName, True, "", 0

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume ExportReportToRTF_Exit

End Sub

mark r


I do have A2007, but when I PRINT, I only get options for FAX, OR EPSON, etc
where do I find the PDF option, that would be great.



you fist have to download the pdf module from the Microsoft site. After
installing that you have the option save as... PDF in the save as menu.

Chegu Tom

You could also purchase or download one of many pdf writers that become a
printer option when installed.

If you go this way instead of the access module you can make pdfs from other
applications as well (anything that can print can make a pdf)

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