Dear Mr. Greenblatt:
I am new to Mactopia and not sure how I'm suppose to direct my question but
please assist me.
I have a MacBook Pro 10.5 Leopard and purchased from the Apple store Microsoft
Office Suite for Mac (2008 v 12.1.2 with a 12.1.2 Update as the lastest
install). My problem is with the Excel program.
I did my disbursements journal in Exccel on my old Windows XP for PC, saved it
and imported it to my MacBook Pro. It opened without difficulty. I proceeded
to enter new data and saved my work.
Now I need to used this work on a PC but it won't open in the PC. I get an
error message saying on my PC Excel saying I should choose a compatible
program if I have not used Excel.
I am confused as to why the PC doesn't recognize the MAC Excel. I did save it
for PC.
What can I do to make the Excel work on both computers?
Thanks for any assistance.
Sounds like Excel is working on both computers, the problem is that the
windows version is not reading the Macintosh file.
What version of Excel is on the PC? If it is version 2003, make sure that
you are saving the Macintosh file as an Excel 97-2004 workbook.
How are you getting the file to the PC? Email? If so, check to make sure the
file is not being compressed.
How are you opening it on the PC? Does File-Open work? Is the Macintosh
version saved with an extension?
There should be absolutely NO problems exchanging files between Macintosh
and PC. I do it ALL THE TIME. NO file conversion is necessary.