Is there an AppleScript that sequentially combines a folder full of Word
docs into a single document?
1. Copy and paste the following script into Script Editor
2. Save it (named "Combine Word Docs") as an Application, anywhere
convenient. You can drag it into the dock if you wish.
3, Re-name - or make copies of your docs and rename the copies - so that
they appear in list or column view in the order in which you wish to combine
them (i.e. alphabetical order).
4. Command-click or shift-click all the documents you wish to combine to
select them all.
5. Drag them onto the applet you saved ("Combine Word Docs").
6. The combined doc will be open in Word. Name it and save it in the usual
on open theFiles
tell application "Microsoft Word" to set comboDoc to make new document
repeat with i from 1 to (count theFiles)
set theFile to item i of theFiles
set filePath to theFile as Unicode text
tell application "Finder"
set {creaType, fileType} to {creator type, file type} of theFile
set ext to name extension of theFile
set fileName to name of theFile
end tell
if (creaType is "MSWD" and {fileType} is in {"BINA", "W8BN", "s8BN",
"W6BN", "s6BN", "RTF "}) or ext = "doc" then
tell application "Microsoft Word"
set comboRange to text object of comboDoc
set collapsedRange to collapse range comboRange direction
collapse end
insert file file name filePath at collapsedRange
end tell
end if
end repeat
tell application "Microsoft Word" to activate
end open
Paul Berkowitz
MVP MacOffice
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AppleScripts for Entourage: <>
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