Application.Caller Problems


Matthew Pfluger

I'm trying to use Application.Caller to determine if VBA or a cell has called
my UDF. However, when called from the worksheet in a particular UDF,
Application.Caller = -1711800260 and its TypeName is Double. However, when I
send Application.Caller to an IsRange function, it is passed as a valid range.

When I type in the Immediate window Application.Caller.Columns.Count, it
returns the 'Object Required' error. I don't understand it. Has anyone else
had this problem/

Matthew Pfluger

Bob Phillips


If IsError(Application.Caller) Then
MsgBox "VBA"
MsgBox "Excel"
End If



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

Matthew Pfluger

Instead of lots of testing and research, I used this workaround:

Dim vCaller as variant
Set vCaller = Application.Caller
if TypeName(vCaller) = "Range" then
' code
end if

However, this doesn't tell me if a function has called a function (has
called a function). I will elaborate in another post since this is a new

Matthew Pfluger

Matthew Pfluger

The problem is that Application.Caller is not an error, it is a double value
(unless it is assigned to another variable; see my other post in this thread).

Matthew Pfluger

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