Application.FileFind in Excel 11



Hi, can anyone else make the VBA command "Application.FileFind" work in Excel
11.3.7 running on OS X.10.4.11

I use the function to identify files within a designated folder (at a
specified search path).

My code using this function works fine in Excel 10 running on OS X 10.2, but
not in Excel 11.

The VBA help file does of course not provide any help. I even had the same
result when running the sample code provided in the VBA help file. Any
alternative codes?

Any help would be very much appreciated.



Hi,same problem here running Excel v11.5.2 on MacOS v10.4.11. I tried to run the code:

Sub test()
With Application.FileFind
.Options = msoOptionsNew
.SearchPath = ThisWorkbook.Path
.SearchSubFolders = True
MsgBox Str(.FoundFiles.Count)
End With
End Sub

to count the number of files in the directory and subdirectories the file is in, with no luck.

any help will be much appreciated

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