Application Launch Failure



Hi all,
After opening Entourage a dialogue box stated that my database was
corrupt and needed to be rebuilt. After repairing and verifying my
database I launched Entourage and received the following error:

The application "Entourage" could not be launched because a shared
library error: "g<Microsoft

After searching the Entourage group using 'shared library error' I've
repaired permissions, reinstalled SuffitExpander, created a new user
account, and I still get the same error when launching Entourage. What
should I try next? Luckily I have a backup of my user data from 2 days
ago but obviously do not want to loose emails I've sent/received


Diane Ross

After opening Entourage a dialogue box stated that my database was
corrupt and needed to be rebuilt. After repairing and verifying my
database I launched Entourage and received the following error:

The application "Entourage" could not be launched because a shared
library error: "g<Microsoft

After searching the Entourage group using 'shared library error' I've
repaired permissions, reinstalled SuffitExpander, created a new user
account, and I still get the same error when launching Entourage. What
should I try next? Luckily I have a backup of my user data from 2 days
ago but obviously do not want to loose emails I've sent/received

First try downloading the combo updater from Apple and run it again rather
than using Software Update. Doing so overwrites potentially problem-causing
files. If you are still having problem, use "Remove Office" and re-install
and update Office. If this does not work, you will need to do an Archive &
Install of the OS.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
One of the top five MS Entourage resources listed on the Entourage Blog.


Thanks for your suggestions Diane. I ended up having to reinstall
(Archive & Install) my OS but now Entourage looks slightly corrupt.
When I view my 'Sent Items' folder, the days 'Today', 'Yesterday' etc
display like 'To d a y' and
'Y e. . .'. I have tried installing my
OS (Archive & Install), uninstalling then reinstalling MS Office/
Entourage a few times but the issue persists. The last time I
reinstalled my OS and MS Office/Entourage I was alerted that database
was corrupt and the Database Utility.log log reported

Starting Scan

ERROR: BlockID #7784 has an unknown checksum

ERROR: BlockID #9508 has an unknown checksum

ERROR: BlockID #782 is not a deleted block and is in the deleted block

Scan Ended

I rebuilt my database but the odd display of days still persists. Is
there anything I can try to resolve this? I am concerned that I may
loose information.


Diane Ross

Thanks for your suggestions Diane. I ended up having to reinstall
(Archive & Install) my OS but now Entourage looks slightly corrupt.
When I view my 'Sent Items' folder, the days 'Today', 'Yesterday' etc
display like 'To d a y' and
'Y e. . .'. I have tried installing my
OS (Archive & Install), uninstalling then reinstalling MS Office/
Entourage a few times but the issue persists. The last time I
reinstalled my OS and MS Office/Entourage I was alerted that database
was corrupt and the Database Utility.log log reported

Starting Scan

ERROR: BlockID #7784 has an unknown checksum

ERROR: BlockID #9508 has an unknown checksum

ERROR: BlockID #782 is not a deleted block and is in the deleted block

Scan Ended

I rebuilt my database but the odd display of days still persists. Is
there anything I can try to resolve this? I am concerned that I may
loose information.

Wow! This sounds serious. Have you run any of the hardware tests that came
with OS Install disks? Have you tested in a new User? Go to System
Preferences and create a new User to test. If you see the problem there, you
might need to wipe your drive and re-install. I'm guessing it might be bad
blocks on your hd that could be fixed if you zero out your drive when you
re-install the OS.

I would backup to another drive ASAP.

Let me know what testing in a new User finds.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
One of the top five MS Entourage resources listed on the Entourage Blog.


Hi Diane,
My HD is only a few months old, i replaced the original as it started
to die. S.M.A.R.T reports the drive is OK and Drive Genius reports no
bad blocks.
Launching Entourage in a new user account seems to be OK and does not
show the the weird spacing between days/dates which I described
previously. Also if I copy my Microsoft User Data to my spare test OS
which is on another HD (just for issues like this) I do not see the
weird spacing between days/dates. This leads me to believe that
something in my user account may have been corrupted by the recent OS
upgrade (10.4.9) or by the recent Office update (10.3.3 (061214)). By
the way a recent HTML email from eBay also displays weird character

What do think? Is there a solution apart from deleting my corrent user
account and using a new one?

Lastly for the moment what is the recommended maximum size for a
Microsoft User Data folder?


Diane Ross

My HD is only a few months old, i replaced the original as it started
to die. S.M.A.R.T reports the drive is OK and Drive Genius reports no
bad blocks.

Even new drives can go bad. It's good that you tested it.
Launching Entourage in a new user account seems to be OK and does not
show the the weird spacing between days/dates which I described
previously. Also if I copy my Microsoft User Data to my spare test OS
which is on another HD (just for issues like this) I do not see the
weird spacing between days/dates. This leads me to believe that
something in my user account may have been corrupted by the recent OS
upgrade (10.4.9) or by the recent Office update (10.3.3 (061214)). By
the way a recent HTML email from eBay also displays weird character

I agree it's in your User's account. The Office update can be ruled out
because you used the same Office applications in the new User. This leaves
corrupt preferences, caches and conflict with another application like a

Start up in your User with the shift key down to disable all applications.
If there is a conflict with an application your problem should go away. If
the problem exists, then it's your User's Library folder that has to be
holding the culprit.

Recently a user on the Entourage talk list had a problem with no shift H.
The culprit was a bad preference called com.markzware.FC5.FontDBWtSys. So
you see, the preference does not have to be an Office or OS prefs. Based on
this, I would say it's most likely a corrupt preference that is causing your
unusual problem.

Go into your home folder and take the ~/Library/Preferences folder, and put
all the files in there into a folder on your desktop called old_prefs. The
Finder will lock up when you move them out the first time. Force quit the
Finder. Now log out and back in, and you will see your Mac is now back to
defaults. Test Entourage , if it works, you know its one of the preference
files. Start with putting everything back in that starts with ""
and log out/in.

Slowly, a few preference files at a time, move the old ones back into place,
and log out and back in, then test. Rinse and repeat until you find the bad

Another suggestion: User Font Finagler purge your font caches:


Trash the and tasmanbrowser.cache, which
will be found in your ~/Library/Caches.
What do think? Is there a solution apart from deleting my corrent user
account and using a new one?

Sometimes starting over is quicker and easier than tracking down a culprit.
That's a decision you will have to make.
Lastly for the moment what is the recommended maximum size for a
Microsoft User Data folder?

Personally, I like to keep mine less than 4 GB. Entourage 2004 has no limit,
but the larger databases can cause slowdowns and the more chances that a
problem can occur. If you keep attachments to a minimum I personally feel
that also creates a better environment for the database. There are scripts
that will remove attachments and leave a note in the message so you really
won't loose any functionality. Se this page for ways to improve performance:


Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page
One of the top five MS Entourage resources listed on the Entourage Blog.


Another suggestion: User Font Finagler purge your font caches:

Trash the and tasmanbrowser.cache, which
will be found in your ~/Library/Caches.

Hi Diane,
Thank you! The problem was caused by a font cache. As I deleted the
above and then used Font Fingler which forced me to restart I'm not
entirely sure which solved the problem.

I'll have a look at the 'ways to improve performance' link shortly.
Again, thanks ;)

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