Henry Hayden
I have pretty well finished an Excel application- with the help of a few
contributors to this forum. I have, at the moment, one remaining
challenge: Application.Quit doesn't quit Excel entirely when you click
Excel's Close box. It just quits the application. It works in the code
of a button's CLICK() method, but not from the close box. I need to be
abpe to end Excel entirely. How can I do this?
Thanks in advance.
DPM MEllon
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contributors to this forum. I have, at the moment, one remaining
challenge: Application.Quit doesn't quit Excel entirely when you click
Excel's Close box. It just quits the application. It works in the code
of a button's CLICK() method, but not from the close box. I need to be
abpe to end Excel entirely. How can I do this?
Thanks in advance.
DPM MEllon
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