Application.Run Call Err: 1004 Cannot Find Macro



This topic has been discussed numerous times that I can find, but even
with all the discussion I cannot get Application.Run to work for me.

So here's what I did. I set up a test.xls and a test2.xls. In
test.xls, I created a basTest and put in the following code:

Public Sub GetMessage()
MsgBox "Message from test was received.", vbOKOnly, "GetMessage"
End Sub

In test2.xls, I've created a button and tried to call,
here's what I currently have:

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim WB As Excel.Workbook
Dim Path as String

On Error GoTo ErrorHandler

Path = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel File,*.xls", , "Test",
"Open", False)
Set WB = GetObject(Path)
WB.Application.Run "!GetMessage'"

Exit Sub

MsgBox "Err: " & Err.Description & " Number: " & Err.Number

End Sub

This throws the Err: 1004, Cannot Find Macro. As well as do the
following changes that I've made to the code.

'Tried this, and got the same error.
WB.Application.Run WB.Name & "!GetMessage'"

'Tried this and got the same error.
Application.Run WB.Name & "!GetMessage'"

'Tried this and got the same error.
Application.Run FileName & "!GetMessage'"

I've tried several other variations and absolutely cannot access the
sub. What am I doing wrong???

Dave Peterson

I try:

Application.Run "'" & WB.Name & "'!GetMessage"

Note that the apostrophes are in different locations from what you tried.

Dave Peterson

And if that macro were in the same workbook as the code calling it, I'd just

Call GetMessage


Ah! The single quotes may be the problem. I will try it now and let
you know.

These are in seperate workbooks.

As a tangeant, can someone explain why I would use "call" in front a
sub instead of just calling the sub by its name? Thanks!


Wow, great catch on the single quotes!! That solved the problem!!!!

One final question - does anyone know if I have the modules password
protected, if this would possibly prevent a macro from being called
(one in another workbook?). I'm going to test it out now. Thanks!

Dave Peterson

Besides the syntax differences, I think it's just a matter of personal

I like to use Call. I think it makes the code easier to read. Others disagree,

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