good morning to everybody

Public Declare Function sndPlaySound Lib "winmm.dll" Alias "sndPlaySoundA" (ByVal lpszSoundName As String, ByVal uFlags As Long) As Long

Private Sub test()
sndPlaySound "C:\Suresh\Twinkle1.wav", SND_ASYNC
End Sub

the above metioned macro is working well.. the prob. is that i want to keep this as my backgroud music, meanwhile i want to work as usual.. and also it should run until i will close the file.

anybody can help me??

thanks in advance

with best regards,
suresh tp

Martin Seelhofer

Hey there
the above metioned macro is working well.. the prob.
is that i want to keep this as my backgroud music,
meanwhile i want to work as usual.. and also it should
run until i will close the file.

Application.OnTime might be something for you. Just call
it once in an AutoOpen or AutoExec macro (or in the
Document_Open event handler) and call it again inside
your macro...

NB: You should know how long your music file plays in
order to prevent overlayed playback or periods of silence


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