Don't you already have this rule in place? That is what I understood from
your first message?
Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
After furious head scratching, Arend asked:
| If i do that then i have to create a rule for every one recipient
| that i am sending a message to!
| Have I undertood it correctly?
| Regards,
| Christos
| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|| "Currently I would like to know how I can move (not copy) a sent
|| mail to a selected folder and mark it for follow up with a specified
|| flag!"
|| 1. Uncheck the option to save items in the sent items folder.
|| 2. Flag the message before sending.
|| --Â
|| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without
|| reading.
|| After furious head scratching, Arend asked:
||| Thanks for replying.
||| It is not that I have no interest! I do! But I just donââ,¬â"¢t
||| know anything about VBA! It all seems Chinese to me! (I won't say
||| Greek because I am Greek!!)
||| Currently I would like to know how I can move (not copy) a sent mail
||| to a selected folder and mark it for follow up with a specified
||| flag! (I mark with a green flag all mails that I send and I wait
||| urgently for a reply! Then I can check the day after who has not
||| answered my request. (Easy because if they do answer they reply to
||| the same account I used to send the message in the first place and
||| this incoming mail is being by a rule moved to its folder and
||| marked with a green flag. And therefore with one click I can see to
||| whom I have sent a mail the day before and also who replied and who
||| didnââ,¬â"¢t!
||| Complicated? But it saves me a huge amount of time!
||| Thanks again.
||| Christos
||| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|||| Any toolbar to control window-switching would have to be built
|||| using Windows code, not Outlook. Outlook has no control over
|||| Windows, um, windows and is not aware of them programmatically so
|||| there is no "hook" in Outlook for this type of programming.
|||| VBA is the main method for programming in Outlook (there is also
|||| CDO and Extended MAPI) but since you say you have no interest, I
|||| won't bother with that. What type of custom action do you want
|||| Outlook rules to perform? Note that custom actions are programmed,
|||| not a macro item.
|||| --Ã,Â
|||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|||| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted
|||| without reading.
|||| After furious head scratching, Arend asked:
||||| I had tried this but the programs are still grouped and you need
||||| to
||||| process a lot of actions in order to get there! Let alone that you
||||| loose half of your screen!
||||| The reason I need it in outlook is because outlook is the main
||||| program I
||||| work with and there is not yet a Ãf¢ââ?s¬Ã.â?otab
||||| browserÃf¢ââ?s¬Ã, to open 10 windows like it will be thank
||||| god in IE7!
||||| If this was possible I would save minimum 1 hour work time per day
||||| and 100 Ãf¢ââ?s¬Ã.â?okilowattsÃf¢ââ?s¬Ã, of frustration
||||| searching to find the window I need!!!
||||| And before you ask why I need 10 windows open I tell you that I
||||| process 200 mails a day and each mail needs to be processed with
||||| minimum 4 (outgoing).
||||| And I still cannot understand why the options to make rules to
||||| outgoing mail are so limited!!!!!!!!!!
||||| Since you can't help me with the application switcher would you
||||| know
||||| how to increase the options in making rules to outgoing mail?
||||| (Stop
||||| processing any rules does not make the job in the ridiculous
||||| Ãf¢ââ?s¬Ã.â?omove
||||| a copyÃf¢ââ?s¬Ã, option) (I have around 35 folders and I
||||| donÃf¢ââ?s‰â?z¢t know how many subfolders in my sent items
||||| main folder)
||||| And the option Ãf¢ââ?s¬Ã.â?operform a custom
||||| actionÃf¢ââ?s¬Ã, has a blank drop down menu!!!! Is it my
||||| problem that this menu is blank? And if
||||| it is not
||||| how can I create custom actions? (not in Visual Basic because I
||||| have
||||| no idea about it) (recording macros in outlook would also be
||||| important to me! Is there any add-in which does the job?
||||| Thank you again.
||||| Regards,
||||| Christos
||||| "Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]" wrote:
|||||| Simple solution, drag your taskbar up until it displays 2 or 3
|||||| levels.
|||||| Having a toolbar in Outlook is not going to help you if you are
|||||| working in Word or AutoCad. You need a universal solution, not
|||||| one tied to a single program.
|||||| --Ãfâ?sÃ,Â
|||||| Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]
|||||| Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
|||||| unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted
|||||| without reading.
|||||| After furious head scratching, Arend asked:
||||||| Because when you work with 20 applications running at de same
||||||| time
||||||| and within each application 6 to 7 windows open, then you need
||||||| to
||||||| hit the tab 40 times in order to get where you want. Let alone
||||||| the
||||||| time
||||||| you spend reading below the icons what each one of the same
||||||| application (therefore the same icon) is all about!
||||||| And if you miss one then you go for another 40 hits!!!
||||||| My keyboard has an application switcher but it
||||||| doesnÃfÆ'Ã,¢Ãf¢ââ,¬Å¡Ã,¬Ãf¢ââ,¬Å¾Ã,¢t stay on top of the
||||||| other windows!!!!! No need to tell you that on my taskbar you
||||||| can't see a thing
||||||| because everything is squeezed to only the icon of the
||||||| application I run!
||||||| If I had one drop down menu on my toolbar and within all running
||||||| applications grouped in an order I can customize, I would save
||||||| daily
||||||| a lot of time and frustration !
||||||| Now that I have satisfied your curiosity would you tell me if
||||||| you
||||||| know anything similar to what I asked!
||||||| Thanks and regards,
||||||| Christos
||||||| "Roady [MVP]" wrote:
|||||||| Just curious why you would need this. You've got ALT+TAB and
|||||||| the Taskbar. I think these solution will be faster (and more
|||||||| reliable and offer more options and flexibility) in
|||||||| practically any case compared to what you want in Outlook.
|||||||| --
|||||||| Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
|||||||| Tips of the month:
|||||||| -FREE tool; QuickMail. Create new Outlook items anywhere from
|||||||| within Windows
|||||||| -Properly back-up and restore your Outlook data
|||||||| -----
|||||||| |||||||| I need a toolbar in my outlook which will shows all
|||||||| applications that are running at any given time in my computer
|||||||| and to be able to choose the one I need to work with.
|||||||| I need therefore the ALT+ TAB function to be in a toolbar.
|||||||| Is there any add-inn which produces what I need?
|||||||| Thanks and regards,
|||||||| Christos