Robin Gudgel said:
I have just installed the Mac:Office update for OS X and when I try to
launch the application I get the message "Application unexpectedly
I uninstalled the suite and installed it again, but I can't get it to work.
Microsoft 2001 for the Mac that I upgraded from does work, but not
the upgrade for OS X. It did work at one time, but not now.
Any suggestions?
First - look in the previous messages in this newsgroup to see if
anyone's had this problem (they have).
Second - if you don't see any, you can always search the archives:**
Here's one strategy:
1) Make sure your OS is fully updated (System Preferences/Software
2) Repair Permissions:
OS 10.2.x/10.3.x: Run the Disk Utility (in the
../Applications/Utilities folder). From the First Aid tab, click
"Repair Disk Permissions".
OS 10.1.5: Run Repair Privileges (same folder, or download from
3) Run Disk First Aid.
4) Test for a corrupt font:
5) Test your Preferences (~:Library

references:Microsoft folder,
where ~ is your home folder). With All Office apps closed, move the
Microsoft folder to a safe location, then restarting Word or XL.
6) If none of that works, run the Remove Office application from the
install disk (it picks up files that you'll probably miss if you
remove files manually). Reinstall office then download and install
both the 10.1.2 and 10.1.4 updaters. After running them, repair
permissions as in 2) above.