Application.Word Object


Ruby Tuesdays

Where can I find All the Word Object and its Methods, Variables, and
Functions. Thanks.

Word Heretic

G'day "Ruby Tuesdays" <[email protected]>,

In addition to the object explorer as Jez suggests, I have a graphical
model in my Word VBA Beginner's Spellbook in addition with a long
detailed checklist for code optimisation and testing before release.

Steve Hudson - Word Heretic
Want a hyperlinked index? S/W R&D? See

steve from (Email replies require payment)

Ruby Tuesdays reckoned:

Ruby Tuesday

Thanks. Would this work for Word 2002/2003 as well? Or do I need VB.NET?

Ruby Tuesday

Thanks Jezebel. At least to start, I'll familiar myself with what's

Thanks again.


VB.NET is different than Word VBA, which is what I do (barely, but I do
it!). The Dev Handbook has all the objects, methods, and properties listed.
It's intended for use within Word's VBA, which is similar to but not the
same as VB or .NET. I'm not knowledgeable enough to tell you all the
differences, except that VBA is application-specific, and not used as a
stand-alone program. I am not well-versed in any aspect of VB, but I have
heard that VB (and .NET, too, I presume) can call Word and then use its
methods, etc.

If you're exploring VB and .NET, you might be better at
microsoft.public.vb.general.discussion. Sorry I couldn't help more.


Ruby Tuesday

Ed, you're kind enough to explain this to me - a mere novice that has much
less knowledge than you are - and I thank you for that.

I will subscribe the newsgroup you mentioned, but the reason I subscribe for
this apps specific discussion group is because I have not yet familiar with
the full fledge VB or VB.NET which I think it needs a compiler.

Again thanks.


Ruby Tuesday said:
Ed, you're kind enough to explain this to me - a mere novice that has much
less knowledge than you are - and I thank you for that.

I will subscribe the newsgroup you mentioned, but the reason I subscribe for
this apps specific discussion group is because I have not yet familiar with
the full fledge VB or VB.NET which I think it needs a compiler.

Again thanks.

Hey - us floundering newbies got to stick together! 8>) You are right in
that VB and .NET must have their own compilers. VBA is compiled within the
application as you run it (or *try* to run it!)

Good luck.

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