i am trying to create a table of contents but every time i select a word to
give it a heading 1 style the word changes to the right style but doesnt
change to a heading 1 in the menu it just stays as normal. Therefore when i
go to create the the toc nothig happens i notice that other word do work but
they are isolated example
The issues surrounding this question seem to concern the formalities and
constitution of the trust. The three methods of declaration are testamentary
trusts inter
introduction will be in table of contents but the word issues wont. i tried
turning off the auto features and am getting sick and tired of following help
topics that seem to make things worse red hat linux
give it a heading 1 style the word changes to the right style but doesnt
change to a heading 1 in the menu it just stays as normal. Therefore when i
go to create the the toc nothig happens i notice that other word do work but
they are isolated example
The issues surrounding this question seem to concern the formalities and
constitution of the trust. The three methods of declaration are testamentary
trusts inter
introduction will be in table of contents but the word issues wont. i tried
turning off the auto features and am getting sick and tired of following help
topics that seem to make things worse red hat linux