Is it possible to apply the Para Keep with Next command to two items of
the same style automatically?
For example, I have a long Word document with numerous images and
captions below the images. The images and captions should always be
together, but sometimes due to page layout, the caption spills onto the
next page without the image.
Captions are always in one style ("Caption").
Images have another style ("Body Text 2").
I would like to somehow create a maco that says, find all instances
where the caption style and the Body Text 2 style are right next to
each other, and apply the Para Keep With Next command to both of them.
Is that possible, or am I dreaming?
(Sorry, I know this isn't a table question, but I didn't know what
other forum to ask this in.)
the same style automatically?
For example, I have a long Word document with numerous images and
captions below the images. The images and captions should always be
together, but sometimes due to page layout, the caption spills onto the
next page without the image.
Captions are always in one style ("Caption").
Images have another style ("Body Text 2").
I would like to somehow create a maco that says, find all instances
where the caption style and the Body Text 2 style are right next to
each other, and apply the Para Keep With Next command to both of them.
Is that possible, or am I dreaming?
(Sorry, I know this isn't a table question, but I didn't know what
other forum to ask this in.)