Applying styles - word 2003



Every time I select some text and apply styles, instead of applying my style
word modifies the style slightly to take account of original text. For
example if the text I want to apply style to is Times New Roman 11 and I
apply my normal style (say Aerial 12) Word applies Normal + 11 etc etc. Any
solutions would be appreciated.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Tools | Options | General: Clear the check box for "Keep track of
formatting." If you select the entire text of a paragraph before applying
the style, the font formatting should be applied along with the paragraph
properties. If not, select the paragraph and press Ctrl+Spacebar.

Suzanne S. Barnhill
Microsoft MVP (Word)
Words into Type
Fairhope, Alabama USA

Pamelia Caswell via

What Word is showing you is the style plus manual formatting. In your
example, the +11 indicates that the normal style has direct/manual formatting
It can be a help to see them during cleanup because you can select all
instances of, say, +16 pt Britannic bold and apply heading 1 style or, say,
+ 8 pt bold calibri and apply the caption style.

If you only want to see _true_ styles in the styles pane, click custom button
at the bottom of the pane. In the "show" section of the dialog, clear the
check box before "Formatting". I'd leave keep track of formatting (in Word
options) enabled as without it you cannot select all instances of a given
style (or formatting).

(Sorry, I don't have W2003 available just now and cannot verify the terms.)


Pesach Shelnitz


This is expected. The following rules hold when you apply a paragraph style.

- If the cursor is located anywhere in a paragraph and no text is selected,
the paragraph formatting will be applied to the paragraph, the font name will
be applied to the entire paragraph, but no other character formatting will be
- If text within the paragraph is selected, the character formatting defined
in the style will be applied only to the selected text, and the paragraph
formatting will not be applied at all.
- If the entire paragraph is selected, the paragraph formatting will be
applied to the paragraph, the font name will be applied to the entire
paragraph, but no other character formatting will be applied (same as when no
text is selected).

Pamelia Caswell via

Note that this pasting behavior description does not apply to W2007.


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