Appointment notes dissapearing on PDA after sync. XP solved, Vista


Filip W

I got the same problem as most of us did when trying to sync the calendar
appointments to a PDA (WM 5; Phone edition) using ActiveSync 4.2 and Outlook
2007 Beta 2. After some random troubleshooting I got the notes to sync with
the appointments just by executing the "Forminst.exe" in the ActiveSync
installation directory and then restart Outlook. So this made life a whole
lot easier until I decided to try out Vista RC1 (after a major XP-crash which
left the whole system unusable).
Got everything to work fine, downloaded the WMDC (Windows Mobile Device
Center) and started a sync. Everything synced and I was happy, until I
discovered that the appointment notes weren't there (on the PDA)! Tried to
find the forminst.exe here also but it's nowhere to be found (can't extract
any files from the activesync installer file in Vista). Whish there were some
forminst to download so I could try. Trying to fix this on my own until I get
useful tips from here.

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