I have created my first custom form in Outlook to allow employees in the
field indicate which clients they will be visiting in the upcomming months,
at which locations and for what purpose. This is very handy. I want the
newly created event to appear as an "All dy vent" in their Ourlook calendar
so as to stand out form other calendar events and to not take up space on the
day's calendar (all-day events appear as single lines at the top of teh
day-view calendar.
Many of our events recurr for weeks or months on end. Using the "recurring"
feature is very handy for this, but it requires an entry for start and end
times and an event duration - these seem to override teh fact that I have
flagged these as "all-day events". Consequently the events appear in the
day-view of the calendar ...
Is there a way to modify the recurring form Or can I override the start &
end times? Or can I create my own recurring form and just exclude the start
and end times?
field indicate which clients they will be visiting in the upcomming months,
at which locations and for what purpose. This is very handy. I want the
newly created event to appear as an "All dy vent" in their Ourlook calendar
so as to stand out form other calendar events and to not take up space on the
day's calendar (all-day events appear as single lines at the top of teh
day-view calendar.
Many of our events recurr for weeks or months on end. Using the "recurring"
feature is very handy for this, but it requires an entry for start and end
times and an event duration - these seem to override teh fact that I have
flagged these as "all-day events". Consequently the events appear in the
day-view of the calendar ...
Is there a way to modify the recurring form Or can I override the start &
end times? Or can I create my own recurring form and just exclude the start
and end times?