Appropriate replacement for ini-files... xml?



In the past I've used ini type files extensively for storing data that
I want access from multiple workbooks. For example, in my current
project I want to store cost coefficients for various types of

a = 1
b = 1.34
c = 10.2

a = 2
b = 1.5
c = 9.0

The _PrivateProfileString API functions have been easy to use (and
don't require a lot of code) for reading and writing to the ini file.
But there is always the risk that they will no longer be supported
and, if nothing else, are considered out-dated. So what is the new
alternative? I've had a quick look for information on xml but haven't
found anything I could understand - it seems to be solving a much
bigger problem than the one I have here - but maybe I'm just not onto
the right link.

Appreciate any thoughts/ recommendations.

Thanks a lot,

RB Smissaert

Nothing wrong with .ini files that I can see and I am sure those API
functions will remain
for a very long time to come. Unless you have other reasons to change I
would stick to .ini files.


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