Archive missing old items



I went to retrieve something from my archive folder and fould that it
contains nothing prior to January 2005. I know that there were items older
than that at one time in there.

Does the archive folder have a size limit or does it delete items older than
a certian point in time?

BillR [MVP]

Have you searched your current PST for those items?
For mail items in a local PST, if the modified date of the item is the
newest date then archiving works on the modified date. that could be much
more recent than the received date of the email.


No they are in neither place. It is odd. It just looks like it cut off
everything before january 7th 2005.

BillR [MVP]

Any other PSTs lying around that hey might be in?
How big is the archive PST you are referring to?


It is 672 MBs ... and no there are no others out there on the hard drive that
I can find.

and btw..,. i just realized that I had not said thanks yet for your help on
this. I do appriciate it.

BillR [MVP]

672 Mb is ok. well under any limit if it was an ANSI file.
If you know something about this email then try an advanced search for it.


I did. I know one of the phrases that has to be in the e-mail and it just
doesn't come up. Again it is like they are just gone. Ohh well maybe they
are just lost.

Well thanks for your help on this.

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