MNJoe said:
I have looked at all the settings 3 times. I have everything set to the
default setting which is 3 months. tried to do the File>Archive> select the
cabinet and set the date to 8/31/09. I have tried to do the fix microsoft
office and still nothing. I can move the files to the archive folder. It just
will not do the archiving. Do I need to uninstall outlook and reinstall?
Archiving has global and local settings. The global setting enables
archiving and lets you select defaults in you want to use those for each
folder where archiving is enabled. Although archiving is enabled, you
then have to specify on WHICH folders it gets applied. Just because you
turn it on doesn't mean any archiving will occur. Each folder must have
its own local archiving feature enabled (and which can have settings
different than the global settings).
This is like the master circuit breaker in your house and the wall
switches in your rooms. Just because the master circuit breaker is
closed doesn't mean all the lights turn on in your house. You then use
the wall switch to decide which room will be lit.
There should be a button in the global archive settings to apply those
settings to all your folders. You might want to rethink about applying
the same settings across all folders. You might have some user-defined
folders that you never want archived or get archived after a much longer
interval (measured by their modified datestamp, not the Received
datestamp). You might have some folders that you don't want archived
but instead have its items permanently deleted after a much shorter
interval, like for your Junk folder.