Archive property of mail item



I have created the following code to read the subject from mail in the
Folder called MyHistory ( a sub folder of Inbox)

Sub CheckAutoArchive()
Dim objH As MAPIFolder, objItems As Outlook.Items
Dim objItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim x, y, Ans
Set objG =
Set objItems = objH.Items
For Each objItem In objItems
Ans = objItem.Subject
Debug.Print Ans
End Sub

I cannot figure out how to read or set the "Do Not AutoArchive this item"
property which is in the "File, Properties" dialog box.

Can anyone help?


Ray Hobby

Michael Bauer

Hi Ray,
I cannot figure out how to read or set the "Do Not AutoArchive this item"
property which is in the "File, Properties" dialog box.

it´s the NoAging-Property.


I have numersous items in a folder "A" which is a sub folder of inbox.
I have used the code:

Sub SetAutoArchive()
Dim objG As MAPIFolder, objItems As Outlook.Items
Dim objItem As Outlook.MailItem
Set objG =
Set objItems = objG.Items
For Each objItem In objItems
objItem.NoAging = True
End Sub

This does not change the autoarchive property, but does change the noaging
property. I think it must be something else.

Thanks, Ray

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