Archive & searching

  • Thread starter Almost a OneNote Convert
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Almost a OneNote Convert

Two questions:

1) Is there a way to archive a page and/or section? I have lots of sections
& pages for different projects. Once I'm done with a project I'd like to move
it off my list of visible tabs in an Archive folder. Making my own Archive
section doesn't quite work because when I search it still searches the
Archive sections. I don't know how to restrict the search to only "active"
sections. How does the OneNote team deal with old section or pages? Surely
they don't delete them.

2) I'd like to search explicitly for words in a particular Note flag. For
example, I'd like to search for all Todo flags with the word "grocery" in it.
Is this possible? Are there any advanced operators available in the search
window? If the Notes Flag Summary pane can do this, then this feature must
exist. It would be a shame not to expose it to the user.


Patrick Schmid

1) How about an Archive notebook? To avoid it being searched, you could
just close it and open it whenever it is needed. Note that the notebook
won't be available when closed on any computer that doesn't have .one
files for it locally.

2) I've asked about this in the private beta newsgroups, but no reply so

Patrick Schmid

Almost a OneNote Convert

(1) is an adequate solution, thanks. However, if I wish to archive a page,
then this hack loses the context of the page, i.e. it was in my Personal
notebook and Investments section. What we really need is to toggle a "Don't
search" bit on any notebook, section or page. And we need an extra "search
everything" choice.

But OneNote is already in beta. Maybe someone will add it as an extension.

Grant Robertson

What we really need is to toggle a "Don't
search" bit on any notebook, section or page. And we need an extra "search
everything" choice.

I wish ON had a feature like GoBinder has where you can select and
deselect the folders and files to search. That, plus saved searches would
be really great.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

If the original context is still needed in the archive, you can either:

a) manually duplicate your Folder/Section Group hierarchy inside of the
Archive Notebook, and then manually move to the "same" location when
archiving. I currently use this method when archiving things.

b) copy/paste the link to the item's soon-to-be-previous parent before
archiving. If for example, a section is about to be archived, you can
add a page at the top of that section with the hyperlink to the current
Notebook pasted into it. Then you can archive.


Erik Sojka (MVP)

There are no advanced operators in the search window, but maybe there
will be when th WDS3 UI is released. Remember that part of the future of
MS software includes the ability to search for anything, anywhere. If
the ON UI cannot support all of a person's search needs, the Windows and
WDS UIs should.

For today, however, you can create a Summary Page from the Note Flags
Summary Task Pane, and then use ON's search on just that page to find

And I don't know if this was just a search example or part of how the OP
has his/her flags set up, but if you consistently need to search your "To
Do" flags for the same terms, why not make that search term part of a new
Flag definition? If you are always flag all of your To Do items using
the generic To Do flag, but a portion of your "To Do" items are *all*
items to be added to you grocery list, make a new Flag called "Grocery"
and use that in the NFS Task Pane?

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