Emphatically no! The Usenet newsgroups are probably the largest functioning
example of cooperative anarchy the world has ever seen. There are some
newsgroups that are moderated or managed, but most are not. The system
consists of thousands of news servers that "peer" with each other -- pass
along posts -- and each server is owned and operated by a company, ISP, or
individual. Some servers carry newsgroups that others don't. For example,
there are orphan newsgroups that used to run on msnews.microsoft.com, but
long after MS stopped hosting them the groups continue to run independently
on other servers.
Thanks, Jay, for answering this before I saw it, theeby
saving me from the coma I would likely have sunk into....
George, what we see often in earnest folks like yourself is
the understandable but false assumption that the Internet,
and especially Usenet, is at all managed, owned, etc. --
that somebody is "in charge" of it, overseeing the books,
paying the staff, lubing the forklift, etc., and by
extension that some official entity entertains suggestions
about how to change it. (I've noticed this is especially
common among AOL users, probably because their online
universe seems -- and is -- more controlled than any other.
What those folks don't know is that the Internet was born
from chaos and still retains the benefits of that ancestry.)
The main reason Microsoft doesn't run Google is probably
because Google isn't software. In addition, since Google
archives ALL newsgroups, it isn't likely MS would enjoy
hosting a massive archive nearly all of which does not
relate to its products in any way.
Google is also free (as was DejaNews) and thus in theory
could easily be moved, renamed, sold, or even dissolved
tomorrow. Were that to happen, a special button built
into Outlook Express leading to
www.google.com would look
pretty funny, kind of like the upside-down airplane stamp,
but without the cachet of a collector's item.
also theoretically possible that another archive could
evolve, tomorrow, with far superior features, making a
hardwired link to Google into a Grade A anachronism.
Bottom line: The Internet is at base far more volatile
than application software; it's a whole different category
of entity, So conjuring the notion that they ought somehow
to be tightly integrated is a bit of mindblower.