Archiving and Storing Email Messages



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC
Email Client: Exchange

We have an email account in our company that sends and receives about 1-2 gigs of email size per month. We are fairly new to Entourage and want to know the best way to archive and store these old emails.

We often need to search, view, or look up old emails and want to be able to do this in the smoothest manner possible.

Thanks for your feedback!

Sue Donum

Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC
Email Client: Exchange

We have an email account in our company that sends and receives about 1-2 gigs
of email size per month. We are fairly new to Entourage and want to know the
best way to archive and store these old emails.

We often need to search, view, or look up old emails and want to be able to do
this in the smoothest manner possible.

Thanks for your feedback!

I use a workflow to back up my Entourage data. See this blog entry:


and the follow-up to it:


(Note: These blogs are about backing up Entourage data in such a way as to
avoid prematurely filling up one's Time Machine backup drive. The approach
is based on creating an "archive" folder on your hard drive into which the
workflow saves your entourage data, so it's useful for what you want to do.)

Diane Ross

We often need to search, view, or look up old emails and want to be able to do
this in the smoothest manner possible.

There is a script called AutoArchive, but it's broken for Leopard. However
on the page there is a link to a third party application that works. It's
only $10 (They have pack licenses). If you're good at scripting, you could
try fixing the current script that's free.

AutoArchive Exchange Account to "On My Computer"

Move all e-mail older than 60 days (time adjustable) from your Exchange
account folders to archive folders within the "On My Computer" folder tree.


Rules to Move to a folder "On My Computer" might be another option.

I would be sure to archive your data at least once a year to keep your
Entourage database size manageable.

See this article for archiving. It includes a couple of links to third party
backup applications that use FileMakerPro to archive and manage mail.

Options for end of year archiving (The Entourage Help Blog)

In case the above link does not work:


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