Archiving Email Using Entourage 2008



Is there a good way to automatically archive email using Entourage
2008? Outlook provides a way to setup automatic email archiving, but
haven't found a way to do it in Entourage. I realize that a person
can create a local folder and manually archive, but when receiving
hundreds of email per day, that doesn't really work so well. Not
really interested in using Applescript either. There must be some way
to do it. I know Apple makes a solution for Filemaker, but we don't
use Filemaker.

Thanks in advance to any responses received.

Diane Ross

Is there a good way to automatically archive email using Entourage
2008? Outlook provides a way to setup automatic email archiving, but
haven't found a way to do it in Entourage. I realize that a person
can create a local folder and manually archive, but when receiving
hundreds of email per day, that doesn't really work so well. Not
really interested in using Applescript either. There must be some way
to do it. I know Apple makes a solution for Filemaker, but we don't
use Filemaker.

Thanks in advance to any responses received.

At this time Entourage does not offer that type of option. If you have an
Exchange account, you can archive messages to folders "On My Computer" using
a script, but there is no script that will do this for you at this time.

Ron Edwards

Hi Diane - the script you mention below, do you have a link for it? That's
exactly what I want to do!!

Diane Ross

Hi Diane - the script you mention below, do you have a link for it? That's
exactly what I want to do!!

For Tiger, you can download the script here:

AutoArchive Exchange Account to "On My Computer"

Move all e-mail older than 60 days from your Exchange account folders to
archive folders within the "On My Computer" folder tree.


A new one for Leopard is being tested now.

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