archiving in outlook 2007



Error while archiving folder "Top of Personal Folders" in store "Personal
can someone please give me specific instructions how to fix this. my system
has never archived!

Enzo Ferarri

my system
Which doesn't have to be a bad thing if there is no need to use this
feature. How many emails do you receive per day/week/month/year? What is the
current size of your pst-file and for how many years worth of email is
stored in it?

"Real World Answers"? How's this one? You have a problem. Let me talk you
out of autoarchiving, then, presto, you don't have a problem! Robert, I
suppose we could indeed call that a "Real World Answer", or we could call it
"No Answer at ALL". I have the same problems. And before you ask, yes, I do
INDEED need to autoarchive. My autoarchive preferences probably came over
from Outlook 2000. So my guess is that somewhere, the " of personal
folders" autoarchive that it's attempting is as a result of the fact that
it's an upgrade. That said, in case someone other than Robert wants to try
to take a shot at fixing this problem, when you right click on what I assume
is the 'top of personal folders', there is NO option to set or turn off
autoarchiving. Anyone out there have an answer?

Roady [MVP]

I wonder how you misread my answer and figured I tried to talk her out of
archiving. The OP assumed that she HAD to archive, I only explained that
there is not always a need to do so. Notice the words "doesn't have to be"
instead of using the word "isn't" and using the word "if" instead of "as".

You are correct that there is not direct answer to the OPs question, but
that is because the original post didn't contain enough information to work
with. Noticed the counter questions?

Anyway, for troubleshooting start with;

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