Archiving Options



We currently have a multitude of older projects saved out on the server
(v2003). Are there any project archiving processes or ideas that anyone is
aware of? I would like to look into “cleaning†it up without permanently
deleting projects (just in case we would need to refer back for whatever
reason). The result would simply reduce the list of projects seen when
accessing PWA.



Mark -

Thank you for the input. After reading this entry and the attached
documentation, isn't this only restricting "access" to projects? When a user
opens up PWA, they will still see the entire list of projects - am I correct?
My goal is to only have a list "visible" to Project Managers that will show
open projects. Does this method accomplish this goal? I appreciate your



Also.... I want this process to supress Project Managers from seeing closed
projects when using MS Project... When they go to open a project, they see a
huge list of projects that include completed or close d projects. Does your
suggestion address this as well - or does it archive projects on PWA only?

Thanks again!

Dale Howard [MVP]

Randy --

The process described in the FAQ will prevent team members from seeing their
tasks in closed projects in their PWA timesheet page and will prevent your
PM's from seeing closed projects in both Microsoft Project Professional and
in the PWA Project Center page. This FAQ is an example only. If you don't
like it, tweak it for your own purposes. Hope this helps.


Dale - thanks....

Forgive me for being a little slow here.... but FAQ section are you
referring to (in MS Project?)



Randy -

What Dale said regarding the ability of PMs to see projects - they
won't using the method described. The only people who will see the
projects are the people you identify when you configure the custom

The FAQ section Dale is referring to is the link I sent you - it's from
MSProjectExperts FAQ library.

Best Regards,


Hi guys,

Im reading the post, and i would like to add some questions to, specially for
Dale, i've read the article on project experts, my questions are
1) Is it really a need to create custom category and Project Outline codes?
is archiving is not a default function of EPM (if default is the correct word)
2) I think it will be burdensome to the Administrator to do this per
project, having at least 50 continous projects updating everyday, will there
be a way of automating it on the part of the Project Manager?

If these really a need to do, i think we dont have a choice, but if there's
a way to automate or make it easy for the admins, much better.


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