Archiving OutLook 2003



Hello Everyone When i archieve or autoarchieve in microsoft outlook
2003 , some items still reamin in my inbox. For Example, I Have it
set to autocheive everyday and today the emails from March 28th where
supposed to archieved, most of them did, but 3 still remained, This
happens everyday, can anyone tell me why? Theres alawys a few left like


Diane Poremsky [MVP]

Archive uses the last modified date, not the received date, so if you did
anything to those messages you'll change the modified date.

Hello Everyone When i archieve or autoarchieve in microsoft outlook
2003 , some items still reamin in my inbox. For Example, I Have it
set to autocheive everyday and today the emails from March 28th where
supposed to archieved, most of them did, but 3 still remained, This
happens everyday, can anyone tell me why? Theres alawys a few left like


Diane Poremsky [MVP - Outlook]
Author, Teach Yourself Outlook 2003 in 24 Hours
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