Enomagic --
An approach we recommend is to set up an archive Project Server instance as
1. Use the EditSite utility to create a separate Project Server instance
and name it something like PSArchive
2. Back up the Enterprise Global file on your production Project Server
instance using Tools - Enterprise Options - Back Up Enterprise Global
3. On your production instance, open a new blank project and add all
resources to the project using Tools - Build Team from Enterprise
4. Save the new project as an .mpp file and name it something like
Resources Backup.mpp
5. On the archive instance, restore the Enterprise Global from the
production instance backup using Tools - Entperprise Options - Restore
Enterprise Global
6. On the archive instance, import the resources from the Resources
Backup.mpp file using Tools - Enterprise Options - Import Resources to
7. In PWA on the archive instance, place your project managers and
executives into their proper security Groups
Once you have successfully set up the archive instance, you can use the
following methodology to archive completed projects
1. On the production instance, save the completed project as an .mpp file
2. On the production instance, delete the project from the Project Server
3. On the archive instance, import the project using Tools - Enterprise
Options - Import Project to Enterprise
Just some thoughts. Hope this helps.