Are any newer versions compatible with access 97?



If I upgrade to a newer version of Access will any of the newer versions be
compatible with Access 97? if I create a database in a newer version of
Access will the other employees that are using Access 97 be able to open/view
the database? Will I be able to open and use any of the databases created in
HeathI am using Dragon NaturallySpeaking voice-recognition software and it
is not very compatible with Access 97.

Rick Brandt

Heathquad said:
If I upgrade to a newer version of Access will any of the newer versions be
compatible with Access 97? if I create a database in a newer version of
Access will the other employees that are using Access 97 be able to open/view
the database? Will I be able to open and use any of the databases created in
HeathI am using Dragon NaturallySpeaking voice-recognition software and it
is not very compatible with Access 97.

Nope. People with newer versions can usually open and use older versions, but
not the other way around. You can build a file in a newer version and save it
in Access 97 version, but you would have to be careful to not use any features
in the newer version that were not supported in the older one. Generally not a
good idea. It's better to develop in the oldest version you need to support and
convert "up" for users with the newer versions.


Will I be able to link the older database to the data in the newer database
so that the individuals using the older version will be able to get the data?
Will I be able to link the queries from the older database to the tables of
the newer version database?

Rick Brandt

Heathquad said:
Will I be able to link the older database to the data in the newer database
so that the individuals using the older version will be able to get the data?
Will I be able to link the queries from the older database to the tables of
the newer version database?

Give each user a front end in the version he has installed and use the oldest of
all used versions for the data. Older files cannot link to newer ones.

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